Webster's English Dictionary

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sheath \'she-th\ \'she-thz, 'she-ths\ n or sheaths [ME shethe, fr. OE 
   sce-ath; akin to OHG sceida sheath, L (] plXscindere to cut - more at SHED 
   1: a case for a blade (as of a knife)  2: an investing cover or case of a 
   plant or animal body or body parts : as  2a: the tubular fold of skin into 
   which the penis of many mammals is retrac ted 2b1: the lower part of a leaf 
   (as of a grass) when surrounding the stem  2b2: an ensheathing spathe  2b3: 
   OCREA  3: any of various covering or supporting structures that are applied 
   like o r resemble the sheath of a blade : as 3a: SHEATHING  3b: a woman's 
   close-fitting dress having narrow straight unbroken lines and  usu. worn 
   without a belt