Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pile \'pi-(*)l\ n [ME, dart, stake, fr. OE pi-l; akin to OHG pfi-l dart; 
   both f] [L pilum]r. a prehistoric WGmc word borrowed fr. L pilum javelin - 
   more at PESTLE 1: a long slender member usu. of timber, steel, or 
   reinforced concrete driv en into the ground to carry a vertical load 2: a 
   wedge-shaped heraldic charge usu. placed vertically with the broad end  up 
   3a: a target-shooting arrowhead without cutting edges  3b: an ancient Roman 
   foot soldier's heavy javelin 
2. pile vt : to drive piles into 
3. pile n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L pila] 1a1: a quantity of things heaped 
   together  1a2: a heap of wood for burning a corpse or a sacrifice : PYRE  
   1b: any great number or quantity : LOT  2: a large building or group of 
   buildings  3: a great amount of money : FORTUNE  4a: a vertical series of 
   alternate disks of two dissimilar metals (as coppe r and zinc) with disks 
   of cloth or paper moistened with an electrolyte between them for producing 
   a current of electricity 4b: a battery made up of cells similarly 
   constructed  5: REACTOR 
4. pile vt 1: to lay or place in a pile : STACK  2: to heap in abundance : 
   LOAD  1: to form a pile : ACCUMULATE  2: to move or press forward in or as 
   if in a mass : CROWD {pi led into a car}
5. pile n [ME, fr. L pilus hair; akin to L pila ball, pilleus, pileu]s felt 
   cap, Gk pilos 1: a coat or surface of usu. short close fine furry hairs  2: 
   a velvety surface produced by an extra set of filling yarns that form ra 
   ised loops which are cut and sheared
6. pile n [ME, fr. L pila ball] 1: a single hemorrhoid  pl  2: HEMORRHOIDS; 
   also : the condition of one affected with hem orrhoids