Webster's English Dictionary

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1. glaze \'gla-z\ vb [ME glasen, fr. glas glass] 1: to furnish or fit with 
   glass  2a: to coat with or as if with glass  2b: to apply a glaze to  3: to 
   give a smooth glossy surface to  1: to become glazed  2: to form a glaze  - 
   glaz.er n
2. glaze n 1: a smooth slippery coating of thin ice  2a: a transparent or 
   translucent substance used as a coating to produce a g lossy or lustrous 
   appearance applied to food on which it hardens 2b: a transparent or 
   translucent color applied to modify the effect of a pa inted surface 2c: a 
   smooth glossy or lustrous surface or finish  3: a glassy film 
3. glaze vi [prob. blend of glare and gaze] archaic  : STARE