Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. take                  
1. grab \'grab\ vb or grabbed;  or grab.bing [obs. D or LG grabben; akin to 
   ME graspen to grasp, Skt gr]sub-dot>bhnsub-dot>a-ti he seizes 1: CLUTCH, 
   SNATCH  2: to get unscrupulously  3: to take hastily  1: to make a grab : 
   SNATCH  of a horse  2: OVERREACH  - grab.ber n
2. grab n 1a: a sudden snatch  1b: a lawless seizure  1c: something grabbed 
    2a: a device for clutching an object  2b: CLAMSHELL  slang  : available to 
   a winner or taker  - up for grabs 
3. grab aj 1: intended to be grabbed {a ~ rail}  2: taken at random 
4. grab n [Ar ghura-b, lit., raven] : an oriental coasting ship of light 
   draft and broad beam having lateen sa ils and usu. two masts