Webster's English Dictionary

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1. grate \'gra-t\ n [ME, fr. ML crata, grata hurdle, modif. of L cratis - 
   more]at HURDLE obs  1: CAGE, PRISON  2: a frame of parallel bars or a 
   lattice of crossed ones blocking a passage  3a: a frame or basket of iron 
   bars to hold a stove or furnace fire  3b: FIREPLACE  4: a screen or sieve 
   for grading ore 
2. grate vt : to furnish with a grate 
3. grate vb [ME graten, fr. MF grater to scratch, of Gmc origin; akin to 
   OHG Xkrazzo-n to scratch archaic  1: ABRADE  2: to pulverize by rubbing 
   with something rough  3: FRET, IRRITATE  4a: to gnash or grind noisily  4b: 
   to cause to make a rasping sound  4c: to utter in a harsh voice  1: to rub 
   or rasp noisily  2: to cause irritation : JAR  - grat.er n