Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. work                  
1. grind \'gri-nd\ \'grau.nd\ \'gri-n-din-le-\ vb or ground;  or grind.ing 
   [ME grinden, fr. OE grindan; akin to L frendere to crush, gri]nd, Gk 
   chondros grain, OE gre-ot grit 1: to reduce to powder by friction (as in a 
   mill or with the teeth)  2: to wear down, polish, or sharpen by friction : 
   WHET  3: to press with a grating noise : GRIT {~ the teeth}  4: OPPRESS, 
   HARASS  5: to operate or produce by turning a crank  1: to perform the 
   operation of grinding  2: to become pulverized, polished, or sharpened by 
   friction  3: to move with difficulty or friction  4: DRUDGE; esp : to study 
   hard  5: to rotate the hips suggestively  - grind.ing.ly av
2. grind n 1: an act of grinding  2a: monotonous labor or routine; esp : 
   intensive study  2b: a student who studies excessively  3: the result of 
   grinding; esp : the size of particle obtained by g rinding