Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cage \'ka-j\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L cavea cavity, cage, fr. cavus hollow - 
   more at] CAVE 1: a box or enclosure having some openwork for confining or 
   carrying birds  or animals 2a: a barred cell for confining prisoners  2b: a 
   fenced area for prisoners of war  3: a framework serving as support  4: an 
   enclosure like a cage in form or purpose  5a: a screen placed behind home 
   plate to stop baseballs during batting prac tice 5b: a goal structure 
   consisting of posts or a frame with a net attached (as  in ice hockey) 5c: 
   a basketball basket  6: a large building with unobstructed area for 
   practicing outdoor sports an d often adapted for indoor events
2. cage vt 1: to confine or keep in or as if in a cage  2: to put (as a 
   puck) into a cage and score a goal