Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. owl                   
1. hawk \'ho.k\ n [ME hauk, fr. OE hafoc; akin to OHG habuh hawk, Russ 
   kobet]s, a falcon 1: any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a 
   suborder (Falcones  of the order Falconiformes) and including all the 
   smaller members of this group; esp : ACCIPITER 2: a small board or metal 
   sheet with a handle on the underside used to hold  mortar
2. hawk vi 1: to hunt birds by means of a trained hawk  2: to soar and 
   strike like a hawk  : to hunt on the wing like a hawk 
3. hawk vt [back-formation fr. 2hawker] : to offer for sale by calling out 
   in the street 
4. hawk vb [imit.] : to utter a harsh guttural sound in or as if in trying 
   to clear the thro at : to raise by hawking {~ up phlegm} 
5. hawk n : an audible effort to force up phelgm from the throat