Webster's English Dictionary

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in.ci.sive \in-'si--siv\ aj 1: CUTTING, PENETRATING  2: ACUTE, CLEAR-CUT 
   ISP: INCISIVE implies a power to impress the mind by directness and 
   decisiveness; TRENCHANT implies an energetic cutting or probing deeply into 
   a matter so as to reveal distinctions or to reach the center; CLEAR-CUT 
   suggests the absence of any blurring, ambiguity, or uncertainty of 
   statement or analysis; CUTTING implies a ruthless accuracy or directness 
   wounding to the feelings; BITING adds a greater implication of harsh 
   vehemence or ironic force; CRISP suggests both incisiveness and vigorous 
   terseness - in.ci.sive.ly av SYN syn TRENCHANT, CLEAR-CUT, CUTTING, BITING, 