Webster's English Dictionary

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in.her.it or in.her.i.trix \in-'her-*t\ \-*t-*r\ \-*-tr*s\ \-*-(.)triks\ vb 
   [ME enheriten to make heir, inherit, fr. MF enheriter to make heir,] fr. LL 
   inhereditare, fr. L in- + LL hereditare to inherit - more at HERITAGE 1: to 
   come into possession of : RECEIVE  2: to receive as a right or title 
   descendible by law from an ancestor at h is death 3a: to receive from 
   ancestors by genetic transmission {~ a strong  constitution} 3b: to have in 
   turn or receive as if from an ancestor {~ed t he problem from his 
   predecessor} : to take or hold a possession or rights by inheritance  - 
   in.her.i.tor n