her.i.tage \'her-*t-ij\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. heriter to inherit, fr. LL
hereditare, fr. L he]red-, heres heir - more at HEIR 1: property that
descends to an heir 2a: something transmitted by or acquired from a
predecessor : LEGACYM 2b: TRADITION 3: BIRTHRIGHT mean something received
from a parent or predecessor. HERITAGE may imply anything passed on to
heirs or succeeding generations but applies usu. to things other than
actual property or money {heritage of freedom} INHERITANCE applies to that
which passes from parent to child (as money, property, traits of character
or feature); PATRIMONY applies esp. to property passed down in a direct
line of descent; BIRTHRIGHT applies to property, rank, or privilege coming
by right of birth and esp. by primogeniture SYN syn HERITAGE, INHERITANCE,