Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. forbid                
1. in.ter.dict \'int-*r-.dikt\ n [ME entredit, fr. OF, fr. L interdictum 
   prohibition, praetorian int]erdict, fr. neut. of interdictus, pp. of 
   interdicere to interpose, forbid, fr. inter- + dicere to say - more at 
   DICTION 1: a Roman Catholic ecclesiastical censure withdrawing most 
   sacraments and  Christian burial from a person or district 2: PROHIBITION; 
   esp : a legal order issued as a remedy forbid ding something to be done
2. in.ter.dict \.int-*r-'dikt\ \-'dik-sh*n\ \-'dik-tiv\ \-t*r\ \-t(*-)re-\ 
   vt 1: to lay under or prohibit by an interdict  2: PROHIBIT, DEBAR  3: to 
   destroy, cut, or damage (as an enemy line of supply) by firepower to  stop 
   or hamper an enemy - in.ter.dic.tion n