Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.vite \in-'vi-t\ vt [MF or L; MF inviter, fr. L invitare] 1a: to offer 
   an incentive or inducement to : ENTICE  1b: to increase the likelihood of  
   2a: to request the presence or participation of  2b: to request formally  
   2c: to urge politely : WELCOME r courteous requesting of one's presence or 
   participation, but may also apply to a tacit or unintended attracting or 
   tempting; SOLICIT suggests urgency rather than courtesy in encouraging or 
   asking; COURT suggests an endeavoring to win favor or gain love by suitable 
   acts or words - in.vit.er n SYN syn SOLICIT, COURT: INVITE commonly implies 
   a formal o 
2. in.vite \'in-.vi-t\ n chiefly dial  : INVITATION