Webster's English Dictionary

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jour.nal \'j*rn-*l\ n [ME, service book containing the day hours, fr. MF, 
   fr. journal daily, fr]. L diurnalis, fr. diurnus of the day, fr. dies day - 
   more at DEITY 1a: a record of current transactions : as  1a1: DAYBOOK  1a2: 
   a book of original entry in double-entry bookkeeping  1b: an account of 
   day-to-day events  1c: a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept 
   for private use  1d: a record of transactions kept by a deliberative or 
   legislative body  1e: LOG 4  2a: a daily newspaper  2b: a periodical 
   dealing esp. with matters of current interest  3: the part of a rotating 
   shaft, axle, roll, or spindle that turns in a bea ring