Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dou.ble \'d*b-*l\ aj [ME, fr. OF, fr. L duplus, fr. duo two + -plus 
   multiplied by;] akin to Gk diploos double, OE fealdan to fold 1: having a 
   twofold relation or character : DUAL  2: consisting of two usu. combined 
   members or parts  3: being twice as great or as many  4: marked by 
   duplicity : DECEITFUL  5: folded in two  6: having more than the normal 
   number of floral leaves often at the expens e of the sporophylls - 
   dou.ble.ness n
2. double n 1: something twice the usual size, strength, speed, quantity, 
   or value : as  1a: a double amount  1b: a two-base hit in baseball  2: 
   COUNTERPART, DUPLICATE : as  2a: WRATH  2b1: UNDERSTUDY  2b2: one who 
   resembles an actor and takes his place in scenes calling for s pecial 
   skills 3a: a sharp turn (as in running) : REVERSAL  3b: an evasive shift  
   4: something consisting of two paired members : as  4a: FOLD  4b: a 
   combined bet placed on two different contests  4c: two consecutive strikes 
   in bowling  pl  5: a game between two pairs of players  6: an act of 
   doubling in a card game 
3. double av 1a: to twice the extent or amount : DOUBLY  1b: two together  
   archaic  2: DECEITFULLY 
4. double \'d*b-(*-)lin\ \'d*b-(*-)l*r\ vb or dou.bling 1: to make twice as 
   great or as many : as  1a: to increase by adding an equal amount  1b: to 
   amount to twice the number of  1c: to make a call in bridge that increases 
   the value of odd tricks or und ertricks at (an opponent's bid) 1d1: to 
   advance (a base runner in baseball) by a two-base hit  1d2: to put out (a 
   base runner) in completing a double play  2a: to make of two thicknesses : 
   FOLD  2b: CLENCH  2c: to cause to stoop  3a: to avoid by doubling : ELUDE  
   3b: to sail around (as a cape) by reversing direction  4a: to replace in a 
   dramatic role  4b: to play (dramatic roles) by doubling  1a: to become 
   twice as much or as many  1b: to double a bid (as in bridge)  1c: to make a 
   two-base hit in baseball  2a: to turn sharply and suddenly; esp : to turn 
   back on one's cour se 2b: to follow a circuitous course  3: to become bent 
   or folded usu. in the middle  4a: to serve an additional purpose or perform 
   an additional duty  4b: to play a dramatic role as a double  - dou.bler n