Webster's English Dictionary

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1. knife \'ni-f\ \'ni-vz\ \'ni--.fli-k\ n or knives [ME knif, fr. OE cni-f; 
   akin to MLG kni-f knife, OE ] pl  often attrib cnotta knot 1a: a cutting 
   instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle  1b: a weapon 
   resembling a knife  2: a sharp cutting blade or tool in a machine  : in 
   surgery  - knife.like aj
2. knife vt 1: to use a knife on; specif : to stab, slash, or wound with a 
   kni fe 2: to cut, mark, or spread with a knife  3: to try to defeat by 
   underhand means  4: to move like a knife in  : to cut a way with or as if 
   with a knife blade