Webster's English Dictionary

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1. knot \'na:t\ n [ME, fr. OE cnotta; akin to OHG knoto knot, Lith gniusti 
   to p]ress 1a: an interlacement of the parts of one or more flexible bodies 
   forming a  lump or knob 1b: the lump or knob so formed  2: something hard 
   to solve : PROBLEM  3: a bond of union; esp : the marriage bond  4a: a 
   protuberant lump or swelling in tissue  4b: the base of a woody branch 
   enclosed in the stem from which it arises; (Xalso : its section in lumber 
   5: a cluster of persons or things : GROUP  6: an ornamental bow of ribbon : 
   COCKADE  7a: a division of the log line serving to measure a ship's speed  
   7b1: one nautical mile per hour  7b2: one nautical mile 
2. knot vb or knot.ted;  or knot.ting 1: to tie in or with a knot : form 
   knots in  2: to unite closely or intricately : ENTANGLE  1: to form knots  
   2: to knit knots for lace or trimming 
3. knot n [ME knott] : any of several sandpipers (genus Calidris) that 
   breed in the Arcti c and winter in temperate or warm part of the New and 
   Old World