Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. relieve               
1. light.en \'li-t-*n\ \'li-t-nin, -*n-in\ \'li-t-n*r, -*n-*r\ vb or 
   light.en.ing [ME lightenen, fr. light] 1: to make light or clear : 
   ILLUMINATE  archaic  2: ENLIGHTEN  3: to make (as a color) lighter  1a: to 
   shine brightly  1b: to grow lighter : BRIGHTEN  2: to give out flashes of 
   lightning  - light.en.er n
2. lighten \'li-t-nin, -*n-in\ \'li-t-n*r, -*n-*r\ vb or light.en.ing 1a: 
   to relieve of a burden in whole or in part {~ the plane}  1b: to reduce in 
   weight or quantity : LESSEN {~ his duties } 2: CHEER, GLADDEN  3: to make 
   less wearisome : ALLEVIATE {~ his sorrow}  1: to become lighter or less 
   burdensome  2: to become more cheerful {his mood ~ed}  - light.en.er n