Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. spoil                 
1. loot \'lu:t\ n [Hindi lu-tsub-dot>, fr. Skt lunsub-dot>tsub-]dot>ati he 
   robs 1: goods usu. of considerable value taken in war : SPOILS  2: 
   something held to resemble goods of value seized in war : as  2a: anything 
   taken by force or violence  2b: illicit gains by public officials  2c: 
   MONEY  3: the action of looting 
2. loot vt 1a: to plunder or sack in war  1b: to rob esp. on a large scale 
   and usu. by violence or corruption  2: to seize and carry away by force 
   esp. in war  : to engage in robbing or plundering esp. in war  - loot.er n