Cross references:
1. ravage
1. sack \'sak\ n [ME sak bag, sackcloth, fr. OE sacc; akin to OHG sac bag;
bot]h fr. a prehistoric Gmc word borrowed fr. L saccus bag & LL saccus
sackcloth, both fr. Gk sakkos bag, sackcloth, of Sem origin; akin to Heb
s'aq bag, sackcloth 1a: a large bag of coarse strong material 1b: a small
container of paper or similar material 2: the amount contained in a sack;
esp : a fixed amount of a certai n commodity sometimes used as a unit of
measure 3a: a woman's loose-fitting dress 3b: a short usu. loose-fitting
coat for women and children 3c: SACQUE 4: DISMISSAL - usu. used with get
or give 5: BUNK, BED 6: a base in baseball
2. sack vt 1: to put or place in a sack 2: to dismiss esp. summarily
3. sack n [modif. of MF sec dry, fr. L siccus; akin to OHG si-han to]
filter, Gk hikmas moisture : a usu. dry white wine imported to England from
the south of Europe durin g the 16th and 17th centuries
4. sack n [MF sac, fr. OIt sacco, lit., bag, fr. L saccus] : the plundering
of a captured town
5. sack vt 1: to plunder (as a town) after capture 2: to strip of
valuables : LOOT - n