1. mace \'ma-s\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL mattia; akin to OHG medela
plow, L Xmateola mallet 1a: a heavy often spiked staff or club used esp. in
the Middle Ages for bre aking armor 1b: a club used as a weapon 2a: an
ornamental staff borne as a symbol of authority before a public offi cial
or a legislative body 2b: one who carries a mace 3a: a rod with a flat
wooden head formerly used in billiards instead of a c ue 3b: a similar rod
in bagatelle
2. mace n [ME, fr. MF macis, fr. L macir, an East Indian spice, fr. Gk
mak]ir : an aromatic spice consisting of the dried external fibrous
covering of a nutmeg