Webster's English Dictionary

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man.or \'man-*r\ \m*-'no-r-e--*l, -'no.r-\ \-*-.liz-*m\ n [ME maner, fr. OF 
   manoir, fr. manoir to sojourn, dwell, fr. L] mane-re 1a: the house or hall 
   of an estate : MANSION  1b: a landed estate  2a: a unit of English rural 
   territorial organization; esp : such a  unit in the middle ages consisting 
   of an estate under a lord enjoying a variety of rights over land and 
   tenants including the right to hold court 2b: a tract of land in No. 
   America occupied by tenants who pay a fixed rent  in money or kind to the 
   proprietor - ma.no.ri.al aj