Webster's English Dictionary

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hall \'ho.l\ n [ME halle, fr. OE heall; akin to L cella small room, celar]e 
   to conceal - more at HELL 1a: the castle or house of a medieval king or 
   noble  1b: the chief living room in such a structure  2: the manor house of 
   a landed proprietor  3: a large usu. imposing building used for public or 
   semipublic purposes  4a: a building used by a college or university for 
   some special purpose  4b: a college or a division of a college at some 
   universities  4c1: the common dining room of an English college  4c2: a 
   meal served there  5a: the entrance room of a building : LOBBY  5b: a 
   corridor or passage in a building  6: a large room for assembly : 
   AUDITORIUM  7: a place used for public entertainment