Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mush \'m*sh\ n [prob. alter. of mash] 1: cornmeal boiled in water  2: 
   something soft and spongy or shapeless  3a: weak sentimentality : DRIVEL  
   3b: mawkish amorousness 
2. mush vb chiefly dial  : to reduce to mush : CRUMBLE  of an airplane  : 
   to fly in a partly stalled condition with controls ineffective; also  : to 
   fail to gain altitude - mush.er n
3. mush vi [prob. fr. AmerF moucher to go fast, fr. F mouche fly, fr. L 
   mus]ca - more at MIDGE : to hike or travel esp. over snow with a sled drawn 
   by dogs - often us ed as a command to a dog team
4. mush n : a hike esp. across snow with a dog team