Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fly or fly in the teeth of \'fli-\ \'flu:\ \'flo-n\ vb or flew;  or 
   flown or fly.ing or flied [ME flien, fr. OE fle-ogan; akin to OHG fliogan 
   to fly, OE] flo-wan to flow 1a: to move in or pass through the air with 
   wings  1b: to move through the air or before the wind  1c: to float, wave, 
   or soar in the air  2a: to take flight : FLEE  2b: to fade and disappear : 
   VANISH  3: to move or pass swiftly  4: to become expended or dissipated 
   rapidly  5: to pursue or attack in flight  past or past part  6: to hit a 
   fly in baseball  7: to operate or travel in an airplane  1a: to cause to 
   fly or float in the air  1b: to operate (an airplane) in flight  1c: to 
   journey over by flying  2a: to flee or escape from  2b: AVOID, SHUN  3: to 
   transport by airplane  : to assail suddenly and violently  : to fly an 
   airplane solely by instruments  : to fly an airplane with the aid of 
   visible landmarks or reference point s : to be elated  : to act 
   forthrightly or brazenly in defiance or disobedience of  - fly at 
2. fly n or flies pl  1: the action or process of flying : FLIGHT  2a: a 
   device consisting of two or more radial vanes capable of rotating on  a 
   spindle to act as a fan or to govern the speed of clockwork or very light 
   machinery 2b: FLYWHEEL  3a: a horse-drawn public coach or delivery wagon  
   chiefly Brit  3b: a light covered carriage or cab  pl  4: the space over a 
   theater stage  5: something attached by one edge : as  5a: a garment 
   closing concealed by a fold of cloth extending over the faste ner 5b: the 
   outer canvas of a tent with double top  5c1: the length of an extended flag 
   from its staff or support  5c2: the outer or loose end of a flag  6: a 
   baseball hit high into the air  7: FLYLEAF  : in motion : as  : 
   continuously active : very busy  : while still in the air  - on the fly 
3. fly n or flies [ME flie, fr. OE fle-oge; akin to OHG flioga fly, OE fl] 
   pl e-ogan to fly 1: a winged insect  2: a winged or rarely wingless insect 
   (order Diptera); esp : a larg e stout-bodied two-winged fly 3: a fishhook 
   dressed to suggest an insect  : a detracting factor or element  - fly in 
   the ointment 
4. fly aj [prob. fr. 1fly] slang Brit  : KEEN, ARTFUL