Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. height                
al.ti.tude \'al-t*-.t(y)u:d\ \.al-t*-'t(y)u:d-*n-*l\ n [ME, fr. L altitudo 
   height, depth, fr. altus high, deep - more at] OLD 1a: the angular 
   elevation of a celestial object above the horizon  1b: the vertical 
   elevation of an object above sea level  1c: the perpendicular distance from 
   the base of a geometric figure to the vertex or to the side parallel to 
   the base 2: the height or an extremity of some quality or degree of 
   excellence  3a: vertical distance or extent  3b: position at a height  3c: 
   an elevated region : EMINENCE - usu. used in pl.  - al.ti.tu.di.nal aj