Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. summon                
1. mus.ter \'m*s-t*r\ \-t(*-)rin\ vb or mus.ter.ing [ME mustren to show, 
   muster, fr. OF monstrer, fr. L monstrare] to show, fr. monstrum evil omen, 
   monster - more at MONSTER 1a: ENLIST  1b: to cause to gather : CONVENE  1c: 
   to call the roll of  2a: to bring together : COLLECT  2b: to call forth : 
   ROUSE  3: to amount to : COMPRISE  : to come together : CONGREGATE 
2. muster n 1: a representative specimen : SAMPLE  2a: an act of 
   assembling; specif : formal military inspection  2b: critical examination  
   2c: an assembled group : COLLECTION  2d: INVENTORY