Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ob.verse \a:b-'v*rs, *b-, 'a:b-.\ aj [L obversus, fr. pp. of obvertere 
   to turn toward, fr. ob- tow]ard + vertere to turn - more at OB-, WORTH 1: 
   facing the observer or opponent  2: having the base narrower than the top  
   - ob.verse.ly av
2. ob.verse \'a:b-.v*rs, a:b-', *b-'\ n 1a: the side of a coin or currency 
   note that bears the principal device and  lettering 1b: a front or 
   principal surface  2a: a counterpart necessarily involved in or answering 
   to a fact or truth  2b: a proposition inferred immediately from another by 
   denying the opposite  of that which the given proposition affirms {the ~ of 
   "all A is B" is "no A is not B"}