Webster's English Dictionary

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or.ches.tra \'o.r-k*-str*, -.kes-tr*\ n [L, fr. Gk orche-stra, fr. 
   orcheisthai to dance; akin to Skt ]rsub-dot>gha-yati he raves 1a: the 
   circular space used by the chorus in front of the proscenium in an  ancient 
   Greek theater 1b: a corresponding semicircular space in a Roman theater 
   used for seating  important persons 2a: a group of instrumentalists 
   including esp. string players organized to  perform ensemble music 2b1: the 
   space in front of the stage in a modern theater that is used by an  
   orchestra 2b2: the forward section of seats on the main floor of a theater