1. string \'strin\ n [ME, fr. OE streng; akin to L stringere to bind tight
- more at (MSTRAIN 1: a small cord (as used to bind, fasten, or tie)
archaic 2a: a cord (as a tendon or ligament) of an animal body 2b: a
plant fiber (as a leaf vein) 3a: the gut or wire cord of a musical
instrument pl 3b1: the stringed instruments of an orchestra 3b2: the
players of such instruments 4a: a group of objects threaded on a string
4b: a series of things arranged in or as if in a line 4c: the animals and
esp. horses belonging to or used by one individual 5a: a means of recourse
: EXPEDIENT 5b: a group of players ranked according to skill or
proficiency 6: SUCCESSION, SEQUENCE 7a: one of the inclined sides of a
stair supporting the treads and risers 7b: STRINGCOURSE 8a: BALKLINE 8b:
the action of lagging for break in billiards 9: LINE pl 10a: conditions
or obligations contingent on something 10b: CONTROL, DOMINATION
2. string \'str*n\ \'strin-in\ vb or strung; or 1a: to equip
with strings 1b: to tune the strings of 2: to make tense 3a: to thread
on or as if on a string 3b: to thread with objects 3c: to tie, hang, or
fasten with string 4: to hang by the neck 5: to remove the strings of {~
beans} 6a: to extend or stretch like a string {~ wires from tree to tree)>
6b: to set out in a line or series 7: FOOL, HOAX 1: to move, progress, or
lie in a string 2: to form into strings 3: LAG