Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cho.rus \'ko-r-*s, 'ko.r-\ n [L, ring dance, chorus, fr. Gk choros] 1a: 
   a company of singers and dancers in Athenian drama participating in or  
   commenting on the action; also : a similar company in later plays 1b: a 
   character in Elizabethan drama who speaks the prologue and epilogue a nd 
   comments on the action 1c: an organized company of singers who sing in 
   concert : CHOIR; Xspecif : a body of singers who sing the choral parts of a 
   work (as in opera) 1d: a group of dancers and singers supporting the 
   featured players in a mus ical comedy or revue 2a: a part of a song or hymn 
   recurring at intervals  2b: the part of a drama sung or spoken by the 
   chorus  2c: a composition to be sung by a number of voices in concert  2d: 
   the main part of a popular song  3: something performed, sung, or uttered 
   simultaneously by a number of pers ons or animals; also : sounds so uttered 
   4: a unanimous utterance by the members of a group  : in unison  - in 
2. chorus vb : to sing or utter in chorus