Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pad.dle \'pad-*l\ n [ME padell] 1: an implement with a flat blade to 
   propel and steer a small craft (as a c anoe) 2: an implement used for 
   stirring, mixing, or beating  3: one of the broad boards at the 
   circumference of a paddle wheel or waterw heel
2. paddle \'pad-lin, -*l-in\ vb or pad.dling : to go on or through water by 
   or as if by means of a paddle or paddle wh eel 1a: to propel by a paddle  
   1b: to transport in a paddled craft  2: to beat, stir, or punish by or as 
   if by a paddle 
3. paddle \'pad-lin, -*l-in\ vi or pad.dling [origin unknown] 1: to move 
   the hands or feet about in shallow water  archaic  2: to use the hands or 
   fingers in toying or caressing  3: TODDLE