Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. guide                 
1. steer \'sti(*)r\ n [ME, fr. OE ste-or young ox; akin to OHG stior young 
   ox, Skt ]sthavira, sthu-ra stout, thick, broad 1: a male bovine animal 
   castrated before sexual maturity  2: a usu. young ox 
2. steer \'stir-*-b*l\ vb [ME steren, fr. OE sti-eran; akin to OE ste-or- 
   steerin]g oar, Gk stauros stake, cross, stylos pillar, Skt sthavira, 
   sthu-ra stout, thick, L stare to stand - more at STAND 1: to direct the 
   course of; specif : to guide by mechanical means  (as a rudder) 2: to set 
   and hold to (a course)  1: to direct the course (as of a ship or 
   automobile)  2: to pursue a course of action  3: to be subject to guidance 
   or direction {an automobile that ~ s well} : to keep entirely away - often 
   used with of  - steer.able aj
3. steer n : a hint as to procedure : TIP 
4. steer  dial Brit var of STIR