Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. vertical              
1. per.pen.dic.u.lar \.p*r-p*n-'dik-y*-l*r, .p*rp-*m-\ 
   \.p*r-p*n-.dik-y*-'lar-*t-e-, .p*rp-*m-\ \-'dik-y*-l*r-le-\ aj [ME 
   perpendiculer, fr. MF, fr. L perpendicularis, fr. perpendicu]lum plumb 
   line, fr. per- + pende-re to hang - more at PENDANT 1a: exactly vertical or 
   upright  1b: being at right angles to a given line or plane  2: extremely 
   steep : PRECIPITOUS  3: of or relating to a medieval English Gothic style 
   of architecture in wh ich vertical lines predominate 4: relating to, 
   uniting, or consisting of individuals of dissimilar type o r on different 
   levels - per.pen.dic.u.lar.i.ty n
2. perpendicular n 1: a line at right angles to the plane of the horizon or 
   to another line or  surface 2: in extremely steep face (as of a cliff)