Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. debase                
1. per.vert \p*r-'v*rt\ vt [ME perverten, fr. MF pervertir, fr. L 
   pervertere to overturn], corrupt, pervert, fr. per- thoroughly + vertere to 
   turn - more at PER-, WORTH 1a: to cause to turn aside or away from what is 
   good or true or morally ri ght : CORRUPT 1b: to cause to turn aside or away 
   from what is generally done or accepted  : MISDIRECT 2a: to divert to a 
   wrong end or purpose : MISUSE  2b: to twist the meaning or sense of : 
   MISINTERPRET  - per.vert.er n
2. per.vert \'p*r-.v*rt\ n : one that has been perverted; specif : one 
   given to some form of  sexual perversion