Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. worry                 
1. plague \'pla-g\ n [ME plage, fr. MF, fr. LL plaga, fr. L, blow; akin to 
   Gk ple-]ssein 1a: a disastrous evil or affliction : CALAMITY  1b: a 
   destructively numerous influx {~ of locusts}  2a: an epidemic disease 
   causing a high rate of mortality : PESTILENCE)M 2b: a virulent contagious 
   febrile disease that is caused by a bacterium (XPasteurella pestis) and 
   occurs in several forms 3a: a cause of irritation : NUISANCE  3b: a sudden 
   unwelcome outbreak 
2. plague vt 1: to smite, infest, or afflict with or as if with disease, 
   calamity, or n atural evil 2: HARASS, TORMENT  - plagu.er n