1. pug \'p*g\ n [obs. pug (hobgoblin, monkey)] 1: a small sturdy compact
dog of a breed of Asiatic origin with a close coa t, tightly curled tail,
and broad wrinkled face 2: PUG NOSE 2b: a close knot or coil of hair : BUN
2. pug vt or pugged; or pug.ging [perh. alter. of 2poke] 1: to plug or
pack with a substance (as clay or mortar) esp. for deadening sound 2: to
mix and stir (clay) when wet for making bricks or pottery
3. pug n : pugged clay for making pottery
4. pug n [by shortening & alter. fr. pugilist] : BOXER
5. pug n [Hindi pag foot] : FOOTPRINT; esp : a print of a wild mammal