Webster's English Dictionary

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1. print \'print\ n [ME preinte, fr. OF, fr. preint, pp. of preindre to 
   press, fr]. L premere - more at PRESS 1a: a mark made by pressure : 
   IMPRESSION  1b: something impressed with a print or formed in a mold  2: a 
   device or instrument for impressing or forming a print  3a: printed state 
   or form  3b: the printing industry  4: printed matter  5: printed letters : 
   TYPE  6a: a copy made by printing  6b: cloth with a pattern or figured 
   design applied by printing; also  : an article of such cloth 6c: a 
   photographic copy; esp : one made from a negative  : procurable from the 
   publisher  : not procurable from the publisher  - in print 
2. print vt 1a: to impress something in or on  1b: to stamp (as a mark) in 
   or on something  2a: to make a copy of by impressing paper against an inked 
   printing surfac e 2b1: to impress (as wallpaper) with a design or pattern  
   2b2: to impress (a pattern or design) on something  2c: to publish in print 
    3: to write in letters shaped like those of ordinary roman text type  4: 
   to make (a positive picture) on sensitized photographic surface from a  
   negative or a positive 1a: to work as a printer  1b: to produce printed 
   matter  2: to produce something in printed form