1. put.ty \'p*t-e-\ n [F pote`e, lit., potful, fr. OF, fr. pot - more at
POTAGE] 1: a pasty substance consisting of hydrated lime and water 2: a
polishing material containing chiefly an oxide of tin 3a: a cement usu.
made of whiting and boiled linseed oil beaten or kneaded to the
consistency of dough and used in fastening glass in sashes and stopping
crevices in woodwork 3b: any of various substances resembling such cement
in appearance, consist ency, or use : as 3b1: an acid-resistant mixture of
ferric oxide and boiled linseed oil 3b2: a mixture of red and white lead
and boiled linseed oil used as a lute in pipe fitting 4: of textiles : a
light brownish gray to light grayish brown
2. putty vt : to use putty on or apply putty to