Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pot \'pa:t\ n [ME, fr. OE pott; akin to MLG pot pot] 1a: a rounded metal 
   or earthen container used chiefly for domestic purposes  1b: POTFUL  2: an 
   enclosed framework of wire, wood, or wicker for catching fish or lobs ters 
   3a: a large sum of money  3b1: the total of the bets at stake at one time  
   3b2: one round in a poker game  3c: the total of a prize  3d: the common 
   fund of a group  4: POTSHOT  slang  5: POTBELLY  6: RUIN, DETERIORATION 
   {business went to ~}  7: a shot in which a billiard ball is pocketed 
2. pot vt or pot.ted;  or pot.ting 1a: to place in a pot  1b: to preserve 
   in a pot or jar  2a: to shoot for food  2b: to shoot with a potshot  : to 
   take a potshot