Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. reprove               
1. re.proach \ri-'pro-ch\ \-f*l\ \-f*-le-\ n [ME reproche, fr. MF, fr. OF, 
   fr. reprochier to reproach, fr. (assu]med) VL repropiare, fr. L re- + prope 
   near - more at APPROACH 1a: a cause or occasion of blame, discredit, or 
   disgrace  1b: the quality or state so incurred  2: the act or action of 
   reproaching : REBUKE  obs  3: one subjected to censure or scorn  - 
   re.proach.ful aj
2. reproach \-'pro--ch*-b*l\ \-'pro--chin-le-\ vt 1: to cast up to someone 
   as deserving reproach  2: to utter a reproach to : REBUKE  3: to bring into 
   discredit  4: to cast reproach on  - re.proach.able aj