Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scar \'ska:r\ n [ME skere, fr. ON sker skerry; akin to ON skera to cut - 
   mo]re at SHEAR 1: an isolated or protruding rock  2: a steep rocky eminence 
   or a bare place on the side of a mountain 
2. scar n [ME escare, scar, fr. MF escare scab, fr. LL eschara, f]r. Gk, 
   hearth, scab 1: a mark left (as in the skin) by the healing of injured 
   tissue  2a: a mark left on a stem or branch by a fallen leaf or harvested 
   fruit  2b: CICATRIX  3: a lasting moral or emotional injury 
3. scar vb or scarred;  or scar.ring 1: to mark with a scar  2: to do 
   lasting injury to  1: to form a scar  2: to become scarred