Webster's English Dictionary

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1. shut.tle \'sh*t-*l\ n [ME shittle, prob. fr. OE scytel bar, bolt; akin 
   to ON skutill often attrib X bolt, OE sce-otan to shoot - more at SHOOT 1a: 
   a device used in weaving for passing or shooting the thread of the woof  
   between the threads of the warp 1b: a spindle-shaped device holding the 
   thread in tatting, knotting, or net ting 1c: any of various sliding thread 
   holders for the lower thread of a sewing  machine that carry the lower 
   thread through a loop of the upper thread to make a stitch 2a: a going back 
   and forth regularly over a specified and often short route  by a vehicle 
   2b: an established route used in a shuttle; also : a vehicle used i n a 
2. shuttle \'sh*t-lin, -*l-in\ vb or shut.tling 1: to move or travel back 
   and forth frequently  2: to move by or as if by a shuttle