Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sic \(')sik\  chiefly Scot var of SUCH 
2. sic or sick \'sik\ \'sikt\ vt or sicced or sicked;  or sic.cing;  or 
   sick.ing [alter. of seek] 1: CHASE, ATTACK - usu. used as an imperative 
   esp. to a dog  {~ 'em} 2: to incite or urge to an attack, pursuit, or 
   harassment : SET 
3. sic \'sik, 'se-k\ av [L, so, thus - more at SO] : intentionally so 
   written - used after a printed word or passage to in dicate that it is 
   intended exactly as printed or to indicate that it exactly reproduces an 
   original {said he seed B2 it all}