Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slat \'slat\ n [ME, slate, fr. MF esclat splinter, fr. OF, fr. esclater 
   to burst,]splinter 1: a thin narrow flat strip esp. of wood or metal : as  
   1a: LATH  1b: LOUVER  1c: STAVE  1d: one of the thin flat members in the 
   back of a ladder-back chair  pl, slang  2a: BUTTOCKS  2b: RIBS  - slat aj
2. slat vt or slat.ted;  or slat.ting : to make or equip with slats 
3. slat vt or slat.ted;  or slat.ting [prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON 
   sletta to slap, throw] dial Eng  1: to hurl or throw smartly  dial Eng  2: