Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sorb \'so.(*)rb\ n [F sorbe fruit of the service tree, fr. L sorbum] 1: 
   any of several Old World trees related to the apples and pears (as a ser 
   vice or rowan tree) 2: the fruit of a sorb 
2. sorb vt [back-formation fr. absorb & adsorb] : to take up and hold by 
   either adsorption or absorption Sorb \'so.(*)rb\ \'so.r-be--*n\ n [G Sorbe, 
   fr. Sorbian Serb] 1: a member of a Slavic people whose present 
   representatives are the Wends  living in Saxony and Brandenberg 2: WENDISH  
   - Sor.bi.an ajor ;n