Webster's English Dictionary

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stig.ma \'stig-m*\ \stig-'ma:t-*, 'stig-m*t-*\ \'stig-m*l\ n or stig.ma.ta 
   or stigmas [L stigmat-, stigma mark, brand, fr. Gk, fr. stizein to tatto] 
   pl o - more at STICK archaic  1a: a scar left by a hot iron : BRAND  1b: a 
   mark of shame or discredit : STAIN  1c: an identifying mark or 
   characteristic; specif : a specific diag nostic sign of a disease pl  2a: 
   bodily marks or pains resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ and  
   sometimes accompanying religious ecstasy 2b: PETECHIA  3a: a small spot, 
   scar, or opening on a plant or animal  3b: the part of the pistil of a 
   flower which receives the pollen grains and  on which they germinate - 
   stig.mal aj