Webster's English Dictionary

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1. brand \'brand\ n [ME, torch, sword, fr. OE; akin to OE brnan to 
   burn] 1a: a charred or burning piece of wood  1b: something resembling a 
   burning brand  2: SWORD  3a1: a mark made by burning with a hot iron to 
   attest manufacture or qualit y or to designate ownership 3a2: a mark made 
   with a stamp or stencil for similar purposes : TRADEM ARK 3b1: a mark put 
   on criminals with a hot iron  3b2: a mark of disgrace : STIGMA  4a1: a 
   class of goods identified as the product of a single firm or manufac turer 
   : MAKE 4a2: MANUFACTURER  4b: a characteristic or distinctive kind : 
   VARIETY  5: a tool used to produce a brand 
2. brand vt 1: to mark with a brand  2: to mark or expose as infamous : 
   STIGMATIZE  3: to impress indelibly  - brand.er n