Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. express               
1. vent \'vent\ vt [ME venten, prob. fr. MF esventer to expose to the air, 
   fr. es-)X ex- (fr. L ex-) + vent wind, fr. L ventus - more at WIND 1: to 
   provide with a vent  2a: to serve as a vent for {chimneys ~ smoke}  2b: 
   DISCHARGE, EXPEL  2c: to give expression to  3: to relieve by venting 
2. vent n 1: an opportunity or way of escape or passage : OUTLET  2: an 
   opening for the escape of a gas or liquid or for the relief of pressu re : 
   as 2a: the external opening of the rectum or cloaca : ANUS  2b: PIPE, 
   FUMAROLE  2c: an opening at the breech of a gun through which fire is 
   touched to the  powder chiefly Scot  2d: CHIMNEY, FLUE 
3. vent n [ME vente, alter. of fente, fr. MF, slit, fissure, fr. fendre] to 
   split, fr. L findere - more at BITE : a slit in a garment; specif : an 
   opening in the lower part of a  seam (as of a jacket or skirt)