1. throt.tle \'thra:t-*l\ \'thra:t-lin, -*l-in\ \-l*r, -*l-*r\ vb or
throt.tling [ME throtlen, fr. throte throat] 1a1: to compress the throat of
: CHOKE 1a2: to kill by such action 1b: to prevent or check expression or
activity of : SUPPRESS 2a: to obstruct the flow of (as steam to an engine)
by a throttle valve 2b: to reduce the speed of (as an engine) by such
means : CHOKE - throt.tler n
2. throttle n [perh. alter. of E dial. thropple (throat)] 1a: THROAT 1b:
TRACHEA 2a: the valve controlling the volume of vaporized fuel charge
delivered to the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine 2b: the lever
controlling this valve